Author: Dr. Shruti Bhattacharya

Is turmeric for dogs an amazing supplement or is all of this just a hype? Let’s find out. As dog guardians, we are always on the lookout for natural supplements as a part of our regular dog care routine. Turmeric for dogs is a strong contender in this category. Turmeric can act as an excellent supplementation to your dog’s regular diet. Turmeric has already proven its benefits to humans; thus, it is not surprising that the benefits extend all the way to canine care as well. Read the complete blog post to understand the amazing benefits of turmeric as an…

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We have all heard about the amazing benefits of garlic for dogs. On the contrary we have also heard the garlic may be poisonous to dogs. So, what should you believe in? Is garlic for dogs a good option in dog care? Can it really act as the amazing supplement it has been portrayed out to be? Its time to find out!  I understand that there is a lot of information available on the internet about using garlic in dogs. However, there are some details which you must know as a dog guardian so that garlic can be used as…

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Most dog guardians have heard of Lyme disease caused by tick. However, have you heard of tick fever which can cause serious complication in your dogs? Tick fever is also referred to as canine Ehrlichiosis. It is found worldwide and has been reported to be present in almost all the states of the United States. Canine Ehrlichiosis is mainly caused by a microorganism called as Rickettsia. Rickettsia is a bacterium which mostly behaves like a virus, i.e. It can use your dog’s body cells for the purpose of reproducing and living. There are two primary forms of Rickettsia which are…

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This blog post focuses on helping you understand the causes behind Lyme disease in dogs, the symptoms, the treatment as well as preventive home remedies. Lyme disease is one of the diseases transmitted by ticks amongst a variety of other tick related diseases which affect the canine population. Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete bacterium known as Borrelia burgdorferi. The primary mode of transmission through tick bites. It has been observed that only about 5 to 10% of the affected canine population actually developed the symptoms of the disease. So, there is a chance, that a lot of dogs…

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in dogs, causes, symptoms, treatment strategies and finally prevention A lot of dog guardians must’ve heard about the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. However, if you have not heard of this disease before, you have come to the right place. In this blog post, I will be discussing everything about this tick related disease and preventive measures. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is mainly caused by transmission of blood and saliva from ticks to your dog. It can be a pretty fatal disease if not treated immediately. Follow the blog post all the way to the end to…

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Ticks can be a pesky problem for both you and your dog. In serious condition, ticks can even be fatal to your pup. Check out these amazing home remedies to remove ticks from both your dog and your house. If your dog is still in the early stages of his or her life, he or she may not be able to handle the aggressive anti tick products. If you are looking for solutions of how to get the ticks off from your dog, you are at the right place. The tick removal remedies I am about to discuss are made…

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Tick bite paralysis in dogs can be fatal. The causes, symptoms and preventive measures. Ticks have the tendency to cause a variety of tick related diseases. In my previous posts, I have discussed the seven most common diseases which are transmitted by these bloodsuckers. I have also discussed prevention strategies for ticks so you can keep your dog and home tick free, In this blog post I will discuss tick bite paralysis in dogs. Tick bites can cause paralysis in dogs. Tick bite paralysis is caused by a potent neurotoxin released by ticks in their saliva which they inject into…

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Tick bites in dogs, seven diseases, symptoms, treatments and preventive measures After fleas, ticks are the worst problem any dog guardian can face. Ticks are not only a nuisance; they can also take your dog’s life or cause paralysis if not treated at the right time. If the dog is not on preventive medication, he or she might be left completely paralyzed or worse in case of a tick bite. How does tick bite work? When a tick bites you dog, it attaches to your dog’s skin and feeds on his or her blood. Ticks are parasites of the hematophagous…

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Fleas in dogs treatment, and all else you must know If you ask a dog guardian what do they dread the most about the warm months, the first thing they are most likely to tell you is fleas. Flea infestation is the nightmare if the dog care regime. Fleas are generally small and dark brown in color. They prefer to live in temperatures of 65 to 80°F with humidity levels of 75 to 85%. The infestation of fleas is most prominent in regions of the southern United States. In this post I discuss about fleas on dogs treatment, signs, transmission…

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How to make homemade eye wipes for dogs? In this post, I discuss how you can make homemade dog eye wipes. In my previous post, I discussed how the dog eye tear stains can be problematic for dogs endowed with light colored or long fur. The stains can gather under the eyes, cause matting of the fur, or can get into the skin folds of your dog’s face and increase the chances of fungal infection due to accumulation of the moisture. These stains are due to the discharge released from the eyes. Even though dog tear stains only cause cosmetic issues, they still cause your dog to look unattractive and may cause…

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