Author: Dr. Shruti Bhattacharya

So you have decided to train your dog using a shock collar. Have you considered the types of shock collars available in the market? The first part of dog training is to decide which method to use. Now that you have decided that you will use a shock collar for training, the next thing to figure out is the types of shock collars which are available in the market and which collar is best suited for your pup? PS: I personally do not advise or advocate the use of shock collars! I feel these are torturous devices and must be banned…

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There have been lots of discussions about the pros and cons of the shock collar. Let’s now discuss why shock collars don’t work. Shock collars primarily work on the basis of using negative reinforcement like shock collars for barking shock the dog when the dog barks. Negative reinforcement may work for a short time, but in the long time, the negative techniques can backfire. It is possible that the dog ignores the shock collar in future. This is the primary reason why shock collars don’t work. A very common question I have heard is, “Are shock collars cruel?” I will…

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Shock collars are the new thing in dog care. But do you know how to use shock collar? It’s your way the right way? Let’s find out. To understand how to use shock collar on your dog, the first thing a dog guardian must understand is what is a shock collar and it be beneficial to the dog training process? Dog shock collar belongs to a family of training collars. They are also known as remote training collars, e-collars or electronic collars. The purpose of the dog shock collar is to deliver an electrical stimulation of a preset duration and…

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  What causes upset stomach in dogs? What are the causes and remedies for the same? If your dog could talk to you, he or she would say “DINNER AND BREAKFAST is the best time of the day”. However, many times dogs tend to put things in their mouth which don’t belong there. This may lead to an upset stomach in dogs. In this blog post, I will discuss the causes behind upset stomach in dogs, the symptoms and finally the remedies for treating the same.   What if one day you notice your dog reluctant to eat or not…

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Why does dog teeth discoloration occur in the first place? What are the causes and what actions can be taken regarding the same? If you have been following my blog, you know how much importance I give to dog teeth brushing. Caring for the dog’s teeth is the most important part of the dog care and grooming process. Unfortunately, it is also the most ignored part of the dog. Dog guardians fail to realize the importance of maintaining healthy teeth and oral hygiene. Even when dog teeth discoloration starts to appear, it is neglected. Eventually the problem worsens to the…

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These tips and tricks will make off leash training easier for every dog guardian Off leash training is an important part of the dog care process. In my previous blog post, I have discussed the techniques of off leash training for dogs. In this blog post I will discuss some simple tips and tricks that will make the off leash training process much easier for both you and your pup. The right tips and techniques can make a world of difference in the training process of your dog, be it off leash training, agility training or any other kind of…

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Easy off leash training techniques to make the life of the dog and the guardian easier. Having your dog on the proper off leash training can make a world of difference in emergency situations. However, teaching your dog the correct code of conduct when off the leash is not going to be a walk in the park. It will require a lot of patience and regular practice. Trust me, your efforts will pay off. Most untrained dogs would run when they are free from the leash. Once a dog has been trained on proper off-leash training, next time he or…

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Let’s look at a few tips and tricks on how to take care of a senior dog.   Just like humans, dog’s age as well. However, looking after an old dog can become hard for the guardian. In this article, I will be discussing how to take care of a senior dog, how to make life easy for the dog as well as for the guardian.   Dogs who are in their advanced years most often struggle from incontinence and dementia. Unfortunately, this is also the time when the guardian has to navigate through dog care as well as the…

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 Stop puppy nipping behavior in 6 easy steps I would like to start this article by first congratulating you on the newest addition to your family. This new member is going to fill your life with love, affection and undying loyalty. However, the next few months will also bring in challenges like how to stop puppy nipping behavior and help in the teething process. In this puppy nipping guide, I bring you the reasons behind the puppy biting behavior and the solutions you can implement to stop puppy nipping behavior.    Let’s start this puppy nipping guide with understanding the…

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Your pup has worms? Read the entire blog post to understand everything you need to know about puppy deworming. ‘My pup has worms in his tummy’. Most first-time dog guardians are alarmed when they come to know this. However, this is not something to be alarmed about. Whether you are welcoming a new member into your family or your dog just had a litter, as a dog guardian, it is your responsibility to get started with puppy deworming as well as the training of the new member as a part of the puppy care process. Deworming is an imperative part…

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